Monday, June 13, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole

Hey everyone!!!!! This is my first official BLOG!!!! so exciting... anyways welcome to my world. My name is Christine Guzman. I am presently 23 and I live in Miami, Midtown more officially. I work in the food industry and love every second. I graduated from Johnson and Wales University for Culinary Arts not too long ago so I am still a blossoming flower (squash blossom to be exact hehe) I have a twitter that you can follow @christyg21887  anyways getting to the heart of my blog, I am fortunate enough to get to experience many of the great restaurants Miami has to offer. I have also had many a friend tell me why not start to write about the experiences, lets just say wasnt personal enough for me (although a great way to find good eats). I also have people ask me all the time about work and whats going on in the industry so why not make a website for all needs and curiosities.I love to get responses and I will try and reply to all. Enough about me and more about the food. Please enjoy.

To Great Friends and Great Food,

~Lady of the Knife~

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